Boost your nutrient intake with leafy greens

Book-Green-Leafy-VeggetablesIf you aren’t familiar with leafy greens, your body doesn’t know what its missing! Not only are these powerhouse veggies packed with cancer-preventing antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, they are cheap! And because they are typically mild in flavour when cooked, they can be thrown into almost any dish without altering its flavour (chopped finely, even kids won’t detect this “secret” ingredient.) Packed with vitamins A, C, B, Folate, calcium and lots of other nutritious goodies (the darker the colour the better), these foods have minimal calories. Where do I find them? Go to the lettuce area of your grocer’s produce section — Kale, Swiss chard, beat greens, turnip greens, collard greens, broccoli and cabbage are just a few. Throw them into stews, stir-fries, soups, casseroles or even raw into salads or steamed on their own with some olive oil, salt and vinegar. I even throw a couple raw leafs of the milder tasting ones (Swiss chard, broccoli, collard greens, cabbage) into berry smoothies (carrots work well too!), unbeknownst to my kids! 🙂

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